Thursday 30 July 2009

We don't just create the art, but the hunger to see it

Dave Trott has posted yet another great piece on his blog.

This reminded me of the much-discussed Streisand effect.This example demonstrates how almost anything becomes interesting and gets discussed when a conversational value has been attributed to it - intentionally or otherwise.
It's less about the content and more about the hype, just as with Dave Trott's examples.

When creating online content (in whatever guise) Ad agencies' role is a tough one. Creating something worth looking at isn't enough. As with great art, often the best work is only appreciated by a minority of experts (digital bloggers and agencies normally). If we want to create famous work, we need to create the appetite to see it - and to be seen to appreciate it.
That's of course where influencers, blogger outreach and seeding all have a huge role to play.

To many this will seem obvious - we've got used to it now. But it's still worth bearing in mind how much harder our job has become... or perhaps this is just the way it should always have been. To be genuinely socially relevant, we've got mix the dirty world of PR with the purist world of creativity. And have the vastly different skillsets to accommodate this change.

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