Tuesday 19 May 2009

Blog Naming

Would (even) more people blog if they could think of a decent name?
Can people spell it? Will the name affect search rankings? Does it reflect my content? Does it poorly reflect on the author? Does anyone care? So many questions to answer before you even start writing....
blog names, and specifically marketing and branding blogs, fall into various camps.
The narcissistic: all about the fame - Russell Davies, Seth's blog, Greg Verdino etc.
The pseudonym: an aura of mystique - Scamp
The pragmatic: verging on dull, but gets the point across: Digital examples, adliterate
The opinionated: A positioning - Digicynic, The Ad contrarian, I believe in ads
The abstract: harmless / pretentious - Talent imitates, genius steals...
Ideally, I'd go for opinionated - set out my stall and stick by it... but instead I opted for pragmatic... for now. Safe and reassuringly open. Not great for a brief, but not a bad start for a blog.

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