Tuesday 24 November 2009

Heineken refreshes the parts other media can't reach

T-Mobile's Dance and Meerkat have fed a growing misconception in the advertising world recently... that any social idea devised by a brand ideally needs a few million quid in media money to kickstart it.
Heineken's Know The Signs campaign (Disclaimer - Ruby did it!)- part of their global responsible drinking strategy - shows that decent content will still fly without the help of our old media chums.

The old tenets of social media still ring true - in this case, give people a laugh, and the ability and desire to share that laugh with others.
Of course to guarantee success, it's always wise to back up any content with a top-grade seeding strategy, as we did. But that alone won't get you 2.5m. views in 48hrs...
One of the dangers of this brave new marketing world is that, in our rush to do the next big thing, we forget about getting better at doing the things we've done before. Forget being social, isn't one of humans' principle skills the ability to learn and adapt?